Hi, my name is Jaqueline

I suppose i started this blog to gather information and images that inspire me, and as a visual diary. Im obsessed with organising, I love to paint and create and of course decorate and redecorate – i set up a shop to sell my few creations on www.etsy.com/shop/JAQUELINEB. My two girls and husband are my dose of daily inspiration and dedication. South Africa has a huge part to play in who i am, as this is where I began my journey in this wonderful life. Although having lived abroad from the age of nineteen in London and now in Australia- I still have deep roots and connections to the motherland. Australia is an amazing country to live in and I feel blessed to be able to embrace its vibrant culture. I hope you enjoy reading my blog, and most of all i hope that i can bring some small amount of inspiration into your life. Thanks for visiting   🙂

7 thoughts on “ABOUT JAQUELINE

  1. You are the most creative person I know so can’t wait to see what you going to do next !!! Do hope we get to see some of your artwork and stationary too !

  2. Claire says:

    Hi Jacky,
    Thanks for ‘liking’ my about page. I think your blog is lovely and am now a follwer! Look forward to reading more soon,

  3. Lisa C says:

    Jacky you have the most organised, warm and loving home I’ve ever been in. It’s a reflection of who you are. I love this blog so helpful and inspiring! xoxo

  4. faerysocks says:

    Hi, I love your designs and have nominated you for a ‘Liebster Blog Award’ on my page. Please follow the link if you’d like to read about it 🙂 https://faerysocks.wordpress.com/2013/05/09/liebster-blog-award/

would love to hear your thoughts....